For More camps, keep an eye on:
ckw.nz/nzfunadventures-events (FB)

23-25 June
BOP/East Cape Mid-Winter Christmas
Lakes Ranch, ÅŒwhata, Rotorua
Camping with hot pools and a  mid winter Christmas pot luck, dessert provided.
Ian Read, All Point Camping
More ckw.nz/bop-midwinter
Venue lakesranch.org.nz
RSVP ckw.nz/bop-rsvp

24 June
Camp Cook Out
Battlehill Farm Forest Park, Wellington
Are you a BBQ master, can you tame the flame?
Come pit your skills against some of the best amateurs around Wellington.Â
Seriously though it's all for fun and family oriented. There will be two categories:
1 kids kick butt (fun, help allowed, not serious)
2 Braai and fry (international cook off)
3 adults on fire (be prepared to be fully judged)
Chose your class, register your attendance and be prepared to sizzle.
Jonathan Collins, NZ Fun Adventures

1 July
Mid-Winter Christmas Meet and Greet
Join with All Point Camping Central club members for a fun Mid Winter Christmas dining experience at the 'Famous in Feilding' Murray's Irish Bar. There is a large parking area out the back for overnight sleepers.
Ettienne Lambrecht, All Points Camping NZ Camping Club
More: ckw.nz/fielding-mid-winter
RSVP by 22 June: ckw.nz/fielding-rsvp