EVENTS — Camping
Join up with others and go camping.

Oxford Pre-xmas Farm Stay
8–10 Dec, Fri, Oxford, Nth Canterbury
Run away with us. Avoid the Christmas shopping a little longer (or see if the Oxford Farmers Market will fill out your list). Children and pets welcome. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/oxford-xmas | ckw.nz/oxford-rsvp

Pre Christmas Fun
8–10 Dec, Fri, Arapuni, Sth Waikato
Relax before the craziness of Xmas. Kayaking, swimming, bush walks, cycling, glow worms, campfires and more. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/arapuni-camp | ckw.nz/arapuni-rsvp

Christmas/New Year in the Park
24 Dec–2 Jan, Motukarara, Canterbury
Come for a cuppa, a day, a night, relax for a week at Waihora Domain! All welcome. Water, toilets, playground, rail trail, horse racing 29th. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/motukarara-xmas | ckw.nz/motukarara-rsvp

Whanganui Vintage Weekend camp
19–22 January, Fri, Wanganui, Region
Markets, vintage car display, bands and other events. Camp in the city. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/vintage23-camp | ckw.nz/vintage23-rsvp

Waimate Getaway!
26–28 Jan, Fri, Waimate, Sth Canterbury
Join us at this hidden jewel, Knottingley Park & Arboretum. Pet friendly. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/waimate-getaway | ckw.nz/waimate-rsvp

Camp at Morison’s Bush
2–6 Feb, Fri, Martinborough, South Wairarapa
Camp under manukau trees by the Ruamahanga river for Waitangi weekend. Swimming, fishing, visit the Martinborough Fair. Dogs on leads. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/morisons-feb23 | ckw.nz/morisons23-rsvp

Campfest 2024
9–11 Feb, Fri, Bulls, Rangitikei
An incred-i-bull family venue: join us for a fun camping weekend with a market, walking distance to shops and cafes. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/campfest-24 | ckw.nz/campfest-24-rsvp

Marlborough Wine and Food Festival Camp
9–12 Feb, Fri, Waihopai Valley, Marlborough
Camp the weekend and visit the biennial wine and food festival on Saturday, just a 15 min drive away. All Points Camping Club.
ckw.nz/waihopai-camp | ckw.nz/waihopai-rsvp

A weekend at Orton Bradley Park
23–25 Feb, Fri, Charteris Bay, Canterbury
Cast a line, have a round of golf or tennis or just relax at Charteris Bay, at the lovely Orton Bradley Park. No pets. All Points Camping Club.

Mount Somers in Summer
22–24 March, Mt Somers, Canterbury
Explore this picturesque region from the Holiday Park. Dogs on leads. All Points Camping Club.
For more camps keep an eye on
l allpointscampingnz.org/events
l ckw.nz/nzfunadventures-events (FB)