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Taihape: the perfect stopover place
Peter Scott
Okay, listen up, this is new. When travelling the North Island, Taihape has become the perfect stopover place.
The local council has gone to extreme trouble and cost to provide the best stopover place in the country.
Turn at MacDonalds and go 500m to the show grounds. Memorial Park, driveway on the corner of Weka and Kōkako Sts. Plenty of room to park up and a new facility to enjoy.

Large camper parking is on the gravel area before turning left into the sports parking car park. (Oh, and, Saturday morning sports…)

Free facilities include an outside food prep area, toilets, and showers.
All councils should be thinking like this…
Water fill: Kuku St, behind the Town Hall
Dump station: Linnet St
Dog park: Robin St
BP and Mobil
Taihape Community Garden
Taihape Musicians Club, every Friday night, 7pm

Freedom camping in Rangikei
The Rangitikei District Council, since the 2023 law change, says, for council land: “people can effectively freedom camp wherever they like.” They ask that you “be aware of your surroundings, other people, litter, and comply with other bylaws and laws.”
Okay, listen up

7 Autumn 2024
, p