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7 days a week
Gary Stoneley
7 days a week, NZ Lifestyle Camping works to support NZ campers and the commercial vehicle industry that require certified self-containment — to meet central and local government requirements.
At a recent industry-wide meeting, there was a consensus that the new PGDB-administered self-containment regulations are not fit for purpose. There are substantial unnecessary costs on campers and the industry. The Government is being lobbied to urgently fix the issues.
We recommend holding off on getting a new green warrant at this time unless it is essential for you to do so.
The new regulations may be yet be amended or the legislation repealed.
From 7 June this year we cannot give new (or renew) blue warrant cards that can be used for freedom camping.
Check out where existing blue warrant cards work on PAGE 6.
If you have a fixed toilet, consider renewing your blue warrant before 7 June, so you can continue to freedom camp as long as possible. PROS and CONS: SEE p8.
The 4-year blue warrant card will continue to be recognised by most private and commercial host properties, at events, including club events and any land not managed by Councils or LINZ. If camping in an area designated for ‘all campers’ or ‘non self-contained vehicles’ by councils, the green warrant is no more effective than a current blue warrant.
There are now thousands of private host properties throughout NZ, plus DOC campsites and council-managed reserves that welcome all campers: your blue warrant will likely suffice.
NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd is continuing to certify vehicles under the current NZ Standard. There are a few plumbers issuing green certs under the flawed regulations. SEE p2
If and when we know that the substantial issues with the new regulations are resolved NZ Lifestyle Camping will move to becoming a certifier under the new scheme.
In the meantime the pressure is on the Government to fix this.
NZ’s independent national network for self-containment certification
With a national network of more than 170 self-containment testing officers, NZ Lifestyle Camping supports the NZ leisure camping industry. You do not need to be a member of a club or organisation to get your self-containment certification through NZLC but must have a vehicle that is fit for the purpose of habitation.
NZ Lifestyle Camping’s network of testing officers adhere to the requirements of the current NZ Standard, NZS 5465:2001, for the self-containment of motor vehicles.
FYI: We do not recommend freedom camping while you await your final documentation and window card. Without these you are at risk of receiving a $400 fine.
We remain committed to supporting all types of campers throughout NZ. For persons with camping vehicles containing portable toilets, a limited certificate can be issued which identifies your vehicle as self-contained for staying on all other land in NZ (commercial, private, club-owned) or at events requiring self-containment.
To find or arrange a self-containment check please contact a testing officer near you: | North Island | South Island.
• NZ Lifestyle Camping has a standard processing and issue fee of $45 to cover the costs of issuing the required documentation and maintaining our national network.
• This is as well as any fee testing officers may charge for their time. (The new green warrant system will be more much expensive).
We wish everyone safe travels. We encourage ‘Leave no Trace’ principles when camping.
Kind regards,Gary Stoneley, NZ Lifestyle Camping LtdPh 027 246 9778
Articles in this issue on the freedom camping law changes:
substantial unnecessary costs

7 Autumn 2024
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