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We are support all types of campers.
Getting your camping vehicle certified
Gary Stoneley
NZ’s independent national network for self-containment certification
NZ Lifestyle Camping operates as an independent national network for self-containment certification to support the NZ vehicle camping industry.
You do not need to be a member of a club or organisation to get your self-containment certification through NZLC but must have a vehicle that is fit for the purpose of habitation.
NZ Lifestyle Camping’s network of more than 150 testing officers continues to offer self-containment in accordance with the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers, self-containment regulations.
We are committed to supporting all types of campers
We also offer alternative certification (low cost option) for those who do not freedom camp or for staying at host properties and events. This is suitable for vehicles with portable toilets and tiny homes as evidence of self-containment.
FYI: We do not recommend freedom camping while you await your final documentation and window card. Without these you are at risk being fined.
$63: Green (for ‘freedom camping’) warrant and certificate.
✚ Testing officers charge for their time.
✚ $120 government freedom camping levy.
$48: Blue (not for ‘freedom camping’) warrant and certificate.
✚ Testing officers charge for their time.
$20: reissue of lost warrant card.
Free: an email copy of a certificate.
To find or arrange a self-containment check please contact a testing officer near you:
North Is:
South Is:
NZLC provides both blue and green self-containment warrant cards and documentation through our national network of testing officers.
New blue warrant cards remain recognised throughout NZ but not for ‘freedom camping’ (see p2).
We wish everyone safe travelsl
We encourage you to ‘Leave no Trace’ when camping.
Kind regards,
Gary Stoneley,
NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd
027 246 9778 4
For further information check our website
Choose from an independent national network of more than 150 self-containment testing officers
©2024 NZ Lifestyle Camping

9 Spring 2024
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