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Our chance to have our thoughts and feelings heard

Time to have your say on the “Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Bill”

Wayne Ravelich

This bill is in the name of Tourism Minister, Stewart Nash’s proposals on freedom camping and certified self-containment. This Bill has had its first reading in parliament and is now with the select committee to fine tune before going back to parliament for a second reading. 

The select committee has called for public submissions on the bill. 

This is our chance to have our thoughts and feelings heard. 

The bill is an omnibus that amends more than one Act. If passed in its current format the bill will affect the Freedom Camping Act, the Self-contained motor vehicle standard along with NZTA-Waka Kotahi and LINZ land, and how local bodies administer the legislation. 

This legislation will affect ALL campers and the camping industry in New Zealand for many years to come. 

The proposed exclusion of portable toilets from the Standard is only one step that affects thousands of responsible campers. We will all be affected on where and how we can camp. 

We will also carry huge extra administrative costs because of these regulations. 

Have your voice heard by making a submission. 

Try and be concise/ to the point, mention how it will affect you and your family. 

Will the increased cost of self-containment restrict your ability to go camping with friends and family? Tell them what you like and dislike about the bill. 

Here is the public submissions page.

The closing date for submissions is Thursday, 13 October 2022. 

Happy camping

Wayne Raveich

President, All Points Camping Club of NZ

1 Spring 2022

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