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Table of contents, Spring, issue 1
2 What makes a great and safe freedom camping space?
5 Cycle touring: Canterbury to Southland (p28 for the how to)
9 The controversial Nash Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Bill
9 The big picture on the proposed changes for freedom camping
12 Time to have your say on the controversial bill
12 My 2 cents on the Nash proposals
13 Make a difference: Let‘s change the narrative
13 Sleeping with the sandflies: Lake Monowai
14 The Caravan & Motorhome Book
15 Travelling the world on a motorcycle
17 Do you know what you want in a caravan?
18 A NI freedom-camping adventure
23 Getting the internet on the road
27 Clubs & groups: we profile two
28 Crossword
28 Thinking of Cycle touring? Tips
29 Stop and Stay: we profile two
30 Kimbolton Sculpture Festival
30 TIPS Camping with preschoolers
31 Events
32 Roady: The new app on the block

1 Spring 2022
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