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NZers go camping: clubs & groups on Facebook

NZ cycling groups

Motorhomers go cycling NZ

New Zealand motorhomers including those in buses and caravans who are interested in cycling trails, cycleways, roads or mountain bike trails. You can post pictures of your cycling adventures, connect with others to organise group rides, and discuss anything about bikes both electric and non electric.

3k members [](

Bikepacking New Zealand

Bikepacking is about getting outdoors and seeing new country. It is any ride that includes an overnight stay. This group is about sharing ideas, routes, bike hacks and ride info.

7.2k members [](

NZ Cycle Touring

Traditional road based cycle touring.

3.5k members [](

Recreational Riders NZ

A resource for the ever growing recreational cyclist community in NZ

6.7k members [](


NZ women travelling

NZ solo women travellers

Discussion, support, inspiration and sharing among NZ women who travel solo (sometimes or all the time), and overnight in their vehicles. Maybe in a caravan, a motorhome, van or a car.

450 members [](

Female Travel Buddies NZ

For single NZ women who travel in a self contained motorhome /camper / caravan (not a car nor station wagon) and who do not travel with a man.

377 members [](

Motorhome Babes

This is group is capped at 500, and is currently not accepting new members, so it is hidden on Facebook.

It is a very active and friendly group, and there are frequent, informal meet ups around the country. It is for women who travel on their own in their motorhomes at least some of the time.

Worth keeping an eye out, so you can join up when places become available.

500 members (currently closed, so there is no link)

Women Travel in New Zealand

It's all about '& Travel in New Zealand'. Why travel alone? Meet other women and make the most of your trip.

1.4K members [](

Wāhine tramping and hiking NZ

9.5K members [](

Women's Hiking NZ

2.5K members [](

Wāhine Outdoors New Zealand

185 members [](


Camping groups

NZ Fun Adventures Camping

For all types of camping including families; to share your camps, gear and the cool locations you visit. Our aim is to inspire more people to get out camping whether it's done on a tight budget or in super luxury.

12K members [](

All Points Camping NZ - chat, share

A group run by NZ's national camping club to support campers in NZ. regularly runs camps.

8.6K members [](

Motorhomes, Caravans, Campers NZ

For motorhome, caravan and camping enthusists to buy, sell or chat about anything to do with being on the go or the best places to visit or how to solve problems.

10K members [](

NZ Motorhoming/Caravanning/Camping with kids

A family friendly group for those looking for places to motorhome, caravan or tent with kids and grand kids.

2.1K members [](

New Zealand Camping Guide

This group is for people to share camping spots and information with each other.

1.9K members [](

New Zealand 4WD and Camping

Show us your off-road adventures and stunning camping spots.

6.7K members [](



Facebook groups for particular kinds of camping or overnighting.

2 Summer 2022

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