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Best brunch option ever, and a traditional favourite!

Pannekoeken for breakfast

Bette Cosgrove

Every trip we make a breakfast fruits pancake. Usually apple pannekoeken.

You need:

  • Your favourite pancake mix: We often get the great pannekoeken mix from De Moelen, Foxton whenever we pass by and keep it permanently in a sealed container in our campervan. Or grab the Edmonds buttermilk or gluten-free shake-up pancake mix from supermarket.

  • You can be flexible and add milk (or alternative milks like oat, soy, rice, coconut, or almond) or just use water. Check the pancake-mix container for how much liquid you need.

  • If we have fresh eggs (free-range, bought along the way) we add one.

  • Beat or shake up until well mixed.

  • Slice in one fresh apple / pear cut in tiny pieces; or mashed banana; or berries if you have them. Mix your fruit of choice in, but just lightly.

  • Make one, full-pan-sized fruit pancake per person: fill the pan with mixture.

  • We use a small non-stick pan with a lid on our single ring gas burner as it's easy to wipe clean when done.

  • Flip when bubbles appear and put a lid on when cooking the second side.

We usually have coconut yoghurt in our fridge to serve with this, or open a tin of reduced cream if you have it.

Best brunch option ever, and a traditional favourite!

Photos ©2022 Bette Cosgrove

2 Summer 2022

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