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SOG®: Fresh air in your toilet

Corinne Lindemann-Roth

Are you tired of using chemicals and having smells come from your Thetford or Dometic cassette toilet? Have you ever wondered whether there would be a more environmentally friendly way of using your caravan toilet? If so, a SOG® system is the solution for you! 

Nobody is a fan of unpleasant odours, especially not when on holiday and definitely not in confined living spaces such as those found in motorhomes and caravans. Now imagine being able to go to the toilet in your motorhome or caravan and be welcomed by nothing but the freshest of air! 

For owners of a SOG system, this dream is nothing but an everyday reality. Through the use of an electrically powered ventilator, SOG is able to remove any odours coming from the toilet and is also able to completely eliminate the need for toilet chemicals. This makes SOG good for both the environment and your wallet. 

The SOG system comes as a kitset which can easily be installed either by yourself, if you have the correct tools, or otherwise any RV workshop. These kitsets can be retrofitted to any existing Thetford or Dometic cassette toilet and come in three different vent location versions, depending on the van and space available: door, floor or roof installation are possible. 

Made in Germany, the SOG® System has been around in Europe for close to 30 years. Protect the environment and your wallet in the long run. 

You can find all of the information and all the SOG kitsets as well as the spare parts such as filters, fan motors etc. on Moutere Caravans website and online shop.

3 Autumn 2023

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