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NZ Lifestyle camping
Gary Stoneley
NZ’s independent national network for self-containment certification authority
NZ Lifestyle Camping supports a national network of more than 160 self-containment testing officers throughout NZ and is committed to supporting the NZ leisure camping industry.
You do not need to be a member of a club or organisation to get your self-containment certification, but must have a vehicle that is fit for the purpose of habitation.
A full listing of available self-containment testing officers can be found at and in current issues of this Camping the Kiwi Way magazine.
NZ Lifestyle Camping’s network of testing officers adhere to the requirements of NZS 5465:2001 the NZ Standard for the self containment of motor vehicles. The standard is available on the Standards NZ website.
To arrange a self-containment check please contact one of the testing officers listed.
Note: NZ Lifestyle Camping has a standard fee of $45 to cover costs of issuing the required documentation and maintaining our national network. It is also expected that the testing officer will charge for their time.
We remain committed to supporting all types of campers throughout NZ.
We recognise that changes to self containment may cause problems for many campers, and that there may be further changes down the track.
You can join NZ’s national camping club
We highly recommend that campers support and join NZ’s national camping club, All Points Camping Club of NZ
For only $35.00 (1st year) members receive a wide range of national discounts and savings including travel, insurance, sporting and home products.
Self containment changes in brief
Currently self contained
■ If your vehicle is currenlty certified, this is valid...
■ ...until it expires, or until 7 June ‘25, whichever comes first.
■ This is true whatever kind of toilet you have.
Not currently self contained
■ It is now illegal to camp free on any council-controlled land unless it is clearly designated for non self contained vehicles.
■ Many local authorities do not yet have areas for free camping even though they are now required to do so.
New or renewing this year
■ If your vehicle is to be certified self contained between now and 7 Dec ‘23, you must have a permanently fitted toilet.
■ You get a blue warrant.
■ Your certificate will expire 7 June 2025.
New regulations: 7 Dec ‘23
■ From 7 Dec this year all new self containment certificates will be issued under the new regulations (requiring a permanently fitted toilet).
■ You get a green warrant.
■ Valid for four years.
■ It will cost more.
From 7 June 2025
Self contained
■ A self contained vehicle must be certified under the new regulations. A green warrant.
Not self contained
■ If you do not have a self contained vehicle, or are unable to meet the new requirements it is expected that local authorities will designate camping areas for non self-contained vehicles although these may not be conveniently located.
■ You will not be subject to self containment costs.
Where you can camp has changed
The changes in the act are not just about what is in your van or motorhome, it is also about where you can camp.
The new act now requires certain kinds of self containment in certain places, but has no effect on other places.
We have made a chart showing who can camp where:
We will keep this updated as the many confusing aspects of this new act are clarified.
We answer your (download the official pdf)

4 Winter 2023
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