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shed your clothes along with the stresses of every day life
Camp au naturel
There are many ways to have a summer camping holiday, and everyone has their own reasons for choosing where they camp, how they camp and who they camp with.
Some like the resort style camping holiday where everything is laid on for both adults and kids, while others choose to go bush, where they have peace and quiet and can get right down to the basics of camping. And some folk choose to go where they can shed their clothes along with the stresses and worries of every day life.
Do you remember those halcyon days as a child when you could run around the house or back yard without clothes and no one thought anything of it. When Mum would strip your togs off at the tide’s edge to rinse the sand off and you’d do the mad dash to the car laughing all the way. As a teenager, that first midnight skinny dip at the beach, just because you could. Ahhh if only we could relive those carefree moments, when it didn’t matter that you were as naked as the day you were born.

Well, there are several places around New Zealand where you can camp au naturel, in the buff, clothes-free. Where you can sit out in your camp chair with a good book and feel the breeze on your skin, all of your skin. Where you can lie in the sun for that all over tan and no one is going to bat an eyelid. Where you can go for a swim in the pool or a dip in the hot tub free of the clinging of togs then lie out for a gentle breeze and the sun’s rays to dry you off. Interested? Sounds like it’s too good to be true, but it isn’t.
If you want the ‘shed it all’ holiday you’ve got a few choices in New Zealand. There are two commercial naturist campgrounds along with several naturist clubs that are well set up for camping holidays or if you’re lucky enough to find that really isolated spot with no else around to see what you are or are not wearing. There are also several beaches, some close to campgrounds and holiday parks that are frequented by naturists regularly. In fact you can be naked on any beach in New Zealand if you choose to. There is no specific law in New Zealand that prevents anyone from being naked on a beach or anywhere for that matter. Provided you are not engaging in offensive or disorderly conduct, obscene or indecent exposure anyone can go for a skinny dip or get that all over suntan.
So why would you want a naked camping holiday? Why not? For starters there are the health benefits of sun exposure and vitamin D. Keeping in mind you still have to be sensible and use sunscreen or cover up when it gets too hot. Creating a positive body image is not easy in today’s world. Self-esteem is greatly enhanced in the naturist lifestyle and our own self-esteem increases when we accept ourselves for who we really are. However, it isn’t until a person gives it a try, that they can experience that concept for themselves. Latest research shows that vitamin D may play an important role in mental health. The recent Mental Health foundation annual awareness week was themed ‘Nature is Key’. We all know that getting out in the fresh air and sun just makes us feel better and all the more so if you are clothes-free.
Having a camping holiday without the need for clothes brings a whole new meaning to the word holiday. For starters there is only half the amount to pack. Just imagine getting home and there is only a load of towels to go through the wash and not a mountain of dirty clothes. Get caught in the rain, there are no clothes to try and get dry in the tent or caravan. The kids won’t be rummaging through bags and drawers looking for their clothes every morning, they will be up and gone. And swimming without togs, once you’ve tried it you will never want to wear togs again.
The number of different interests and hobbies that one can participate in these days is as wide and varied as the people who go camping, so why not include these within your camping holiday. If you are a seasoned naturist or just think you might like to dip your toe into the world of naturism there are multiple opportunities to include it while you’re camping.
For more information check out

7 Autumn 2024
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