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a great solution if you don’t have an oven
Pizza in the Omnia
Megan Hieatt
I just tried making pizza in the Omnia Oven. It looks and smells good, just have to wait for it to cool down and stop bubbling!
I pricked and precooked the base for 5 min and cooked the pizza for 15 mins. The base was a simple 1 cup flour 1 tsp BP and salt, and mixed with water and rolled out to fit into the Omnia ring. The oven was preheated to 200ºC when I cooked the base and dropped to about 125ºC when I put the pizza in, with my gas ring on full bore.
The Omnia is a great solution if you don’t have an oven, it works on the gas ring. So far I’ve made roasts, scones, and scalloped potatoes, and now pizza!
The Omnia is a great Swedish invention, like the Trangia camping stoves. I had to sacrifice having a proper oven and glass-topped hob due to the weight compared to the Spinflo I now have, so the Omnia means I can still have that functionality.

7 Autumn 2024
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