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It was disheartening to see everyone discarding their small portable toilets.

Developing an innovative camping toilet solution: Fix-a-Potty™

Teresa Hall

I’m a Kiwi with a small family, and have a deep passion for exploring New Zealand. My interest in the NZ campervan community has grown significantly over the past year and a half.

After purchasing a campervan for our travels, I quickly realised how expensive it was to maintain, so I began renting it out to offset the costs. The success of that venture led me to purchase a second campervan, allowing us to use our one more frequently.

When I needed to get my campers self-contained, I found it incredibly challenging to find accurate information on the process. Determined to understand it fully, I educated myself around self-containment.

As my knowledge grew, I noticed how many others were struggling with the same issues, so I decided to create a website — a one-stop resource for all the information people need.

Then, when the regulations changed, I saw people with small campers equipped with oversized toilets because the only fixed options on the market had capacities for four or more people. It was also disheartening to see everyone discarding their small portable toilets, which felt like an environmental disaster. That’s when Fix-a-Potty™ was born!

Throughout this journey, I’ve learned a lot about creating and selling products. It’s not as straightforward as it seems. From building a website, setting up e-commerce, and handling accounting; to dealing with pricing, approval, patenting, trademarking, copywriting, packaging, logistics, production, design, marketing, and customer correspondence… The list is endless. My respect for anyone who sells products has grown immensely.

In short, I designed Fix-a-Potty™ for the campervan community to provide more affordable and compact toilet options, with the intention of helping everyone continue to enjoy all that New Zealand has to offer. We are New Zealand owned and operated and all our products are made here in Aotearoa by awesome New Zealanders.

And you know what! If I spot one of my brackets in your campers I will be really chuffed. ◼️


Website: more details or to buy:


Images ©2024 Teresa Hall

9 Spring 2024

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