Nowhere special
Our trip to the Bridge to Nowhere, on the Whanganui river, will always be a special memory that I share with my 84 year old mother.
Waiting on a law change
As this magazine goes to print we are waiting to hear the government select committee’s recommendation on the bill introduced by Stuart Nash MP.
Gap year
I am currently helping my daughter build her own camper as she wants to take a gap year and see our beautiful country. Crispian
If the law changes: Managing self-containment
From a small van to a large bus, there are thousands of commercially or home-built vehicles on our roads, providing travellers with all the necessary comforts of living, while they are also self contained.
The power of freedom camping bylaws
Bylaws differ between regions of Aotearoa New Zealand, and do not exist in almost half of all council districts.
Bylaws are created by local authorities — regional and district councils — to manage public land and facilities.