Featured content, Winter 2024
We enjoyed Autumn
The dangers of carbon monoxide
Composting and coddiwompling
RV businesses and services
Home brew spirits
Like many hobbies and interests you can keep it simple or get into it seriously.
Thermettes: 2 litres in 2 minutes
Now it is winter most fire bans are off, though the lure of outdoor fire is not as strong.
Flaxmere Garden
The beauty of belonging to a camping group is we get to camp at amazing private venues.
Tips for campers
Disposing of empty small LPG canisters, calculating the rear axle load for rear bicycle racks, iOverlander.
Camping at Wanaka
A beautiful place for Autumn colours and snow on the mountains, yet surprisingly mild, at least this year.
What is KiwiCamp?
What started out as a pay-for-what-you-need set of camper facilities has evolved.
Lake Wardel
Autumn snow behind Lake Wardel, a free camping spot near Twizel, McKenzie Country. ©2022 M Richardson
Mountains have their own fingerprints
Understanding how to visualise the contour lines represent may help you to determine the terrain ahead.
Five days from Alex to Cromwell
For a leisurely trip from Alexandra to Cromwell, enjoy these freedom camping spots along the way.
Comfort Zone, Whakatane
Comfort Zone is one of those properties you will just want to keep coming back to.
Game: DOC campsites, 2
There are 28 DOC sites in the area shown in the map. How many have you been to?
Camping and RV Businesses Services
Need something done on your camper? Need self-containment? A national online register.
Camping The Kiwi Way, Winter 2024
We enjoyed Autumn
The dangers of carbon monoxide
Composting and coddiwompling
RV businesses and services
Where are we at with self-containment and freedom camping?
If you do not want to freedom camp you do not need the new green warrant. The existing blue standard and blue warrant is still acceptable for all other places that require certified self-containment (so far).
Who can freedom camp from now until 7 June 2025?
Certified Blue before 7/7/23, and not expired. Fixed or portable toilet.
Certified Blue before 7/7/24, and not expired. Fixed toilet only.
Green Warrant
I have been enjoying following along on Facebook the many campers who aren’t intimidated by the season and are planning to continue camping in Winter.
Getting your camping vehicle certified
NZ’s independent national network for self-containment certification.
With a national network of more than 170 self-containment testing officers
The road less travelled: ten lessons learned on the road
Three years ago we decided to trade the hustle and bustle of everyday life for the open road. ©2024 Two Kids and a Caravan
Folding electric bike in the middle of nowhere
Just met a 75 year old lady on an electric folding bike in the middle of nowhere. ©2024 Stephen Wood
Skippers Canyon
Quite happy to have taken the tour and not my truck up Skippers Canyon. ©2024 Trisha Fisk
Am I freedom camping?
You may be surprised to learn when you are and aren’t actually freedom camping
Longslip Station
Well, how’s this for a welcome back into the Mackenzie Basin! — Longslip Station, Lindis Pass. ©2024 Shellie Evans. ckw.nz/shellie-fb
Martin got the winning photo of the birds last weekend. Fantail. ©2024 Martin Butler
Planning a toilet for the freedom camping green warrant?
There are multiple fixed toilet options to meet your space and budget.
Greg's Eye at Rays Rest
Friday evening and Saturday morning at Rays Rest. It never disappoints. © 2024 Greg Lokes. More on FB: Greg's Eye: ckw.nz/gregs-eye
Clydesdales at Erewhon
A fabulous Clydesdale wagon ride one winter at Erewhon. ©2024 M Richardson
Venting a toilet cassette: why, what, when and how
The new regulations require all black waste tanks to be vented, including those tanks that are part of a cassette-type toilet.
The top of Dansey’s Pass
The top of Dansey’s Pass (935 metres) looking out toward Oamaru 50 kms in the distance. ©2024 Tony Kissel
Rugby at Mt Somers
Campers enjoying a local rugby game at Mt Somers. See p31. ©2024 Linda Butler
Ballooning in Canterbury
Today was an early start to ballooning in Canterbury. ©2024 Tony Knights. Ballooning Canterbury
Keeping up with self-containment
Articles from this issue and earlier issues on self-containment and freedom camping: changes, what to do, what to be ware of.
Beautiful vintage buses and trucks
Lots of beautiful vintage buses and trucks in the morning mist ©2024 Rv and Tiny House Living NZ
A wrap
Time to start heading back south after weeks cycling. Bike packed for this afternoon’s bus trip. ©2024 Stephen Wood
To the top of the Ahuriri Valley
A nice walk to the top of the Ahuriri Valley, I had the place to my self. ©2024 Tony Kissel
Composting and coddiwompling
I’m about to swap out my portable toilet for a composting waterless toilet in my camper van.
Moving camp
When you decide to move camp to a sunnier spot mid morning. ©2024 Beverley Stoneley
Only getting in 123 Watts
Well some days it makes no difference at all how much solar you have on the roof. ©2024 Allan Henderson
Winter meals on the road
The weather was getting colder and we were keen to have warm evening meals.
Hakatere Conservation Park
I have fond memories of camping in the Hakatere Conservation Park, near Ashburton in the South Island. ©2024 Fiona Thomson
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
The problem is that RV owners are not taking risks sufficiently seriously. Here’s the facts.
Post box at Rays Rest
Ray’s Rest. It never disappoints. More p11©2024 Greg Lokes FB: Gregs Eye ckw.nz/gregs-eye
Packing the van for Booktown
Packing the van for a weekend at the Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival 2024. ©2024 Bette Cosgrove
Walking the race
I was parked up alone at the Pupu Hydro Power Scheme carpark on a Winter morning. ©2024 M RIchardson
Staying safe solo
Travelling alone and walking alone has risks and being in places with no mobile coverage has its risks.
Fixing a soft floor on a UK Caravan
UK caravan floors sometimes get spongy or soft. I found the repair job relatively simple to carry out.
Watts & Amps Some basic science behind using electricity when camping
Using electricity safely while camping requires some basic knowledge. This article explains some of the science behind this.
Kiwi camping coven
Six solo camping women gathered beside the camp fire one autumn evening at the Viking Odyssey Weekend in Norsewood.
A weekend at Mt Somers
"What an awesome bunch of happy campers. Fabulous weekend, weather was great, company great."
Diesel heating in caravans and motorhomes – it’s easy, effective and safe
Easy, effective and safe, relatively affordable and easy to self-install.
Hidden gem
Recently when we were traveling south from Whangārei on State Highway 1, we spotted a sign for Waipu Caves. It was a spur of the moment decision to investigate further, as we turned onto a gravel side road.
It was a tent
It’s too big for a chair and it’s not moving in the water so I can only guess it’s another tent blown away, full of belongings.
My caravan that floats
Our family owns a 24ft (7.3 metre) trailer sailer. It is a bit like a floating caravan and we have had many camping holidays on the water.
Fishing when your caravan floats.
Food supplies can be supplemented with fishing when your caravan floats.
Make caravan fridges work as claimed
To make caravan fridges work as claimed, and draw less energy, is cheap, simple and easy. Many can be transformed. This article shows how.
A small, perfectly formed bikepacking trip
Sedgemere Track is only open for six weeks of the year...
Recipes for camping
Tinned chickpeas are a useful thing to keep in your caravan cupboard. As well as being tasty they are a good source of protein. Here’s a couple of recipes you could use them in.
Pizza in the Omnia
I just tried making pizza in the Omnia Oven. It looks and smells good, just have to wait for it to cool down and stop bubbling!
DOC update
Clean your gear. Works underway to reopen Morere Hot Pools. More than 10,000 wild goats removed in a national competition. Nature as therapy is the focus of a new guide. DOC report shows short adventures trending for travellers. Ōparara Basin waharoa unveiled. A sea lion/pakake mum swam 60 kilometres inland. Checking a week-old Albatross chick, Tairoa Heads.
Living an endless summer
Delightful to chat with Alan and Joyce on a glorious summer’s day at Little Waipa reserve. Joyce was setting out the table and chairs in a sunny spot overlooking the Waikato River after a chillyish night with temperature inside the caravan at a brisk 11º.
The perils of a coiled power supply cord
Some caravanners are connecting a 230 volt power supply, via a lead, that is “coiled on a reel”, which is not completely “uncoiled” from the cable drum.This is not good practice. Here is why.
Camp au naturel
There are many ways to have a summer camping holiday, and everyone has their own reasons for choosing where they camp, how they camp and who they camp with.
Some folk choose to go where they can shed their clothes along with the stresses and worries of every day life.
Whanganui vintage camping
In January, 70 adults and 25 young people took part in an All Points camp at the Whanganui Intermediate School for the Whanganui Vintage Weekend.
They camped in a mix of caravans, tents, motor homes and small vans and many camped as family groups or with their friends.
Waihopai camp and the Marlborough Wine and Food Festival
Our All Points Camping NZ park and camp was at the Waihopai Community Centre and Reserve, 16km away from Marlborough’s iconic wine and food event.
Three singers at Campfest ’24
Got to sing with these amazing girls — Karen Clarke & Tina Turley. AWESOME.
Land of the Lotus
Just a 15min drive from the Whangarei you’ll find Land of the Lotus – Water Gardens and Banana Park. A must stopover for all garden lovers.
Scottland Motorhome Park
The perfect private park out of Bannockburn. On the top of a ridge looking down to Cromwell one side, Carricktown the other, it’s a windy spot with dramatic views, dramatic weather and the history of the valley is dramatic as well.
Getting outdoors
A suite of Facebook groups from NZ Fun Adventures to encourage you outdoors.
Festivals and Shows
These events either offer overnight parking or the local area provides options.
ISSN 2815-827X (Online) | ISSN:2815-8261 (Print)