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Table of contents, Autumn, issue 7
2 Predictable problems with the new CSC green warrant system
6 Self-containment warrant cards
8 So you want to freedom camp: How to manage the transition period
10 What is ‘self-contained’, anyway?
12 Enforcement of freedom camping rules
14 ‘I am not freedom camping’ cards
16 Do your bit: Task of the week
16 No more freedom camping for these responsible campers
17 Ten tips for hitting the road full time
18 Kaikōura: the freedom camping Wild West
19 SMALL TOWN: Taihape: the perfect stopover
20 Hey NZ Govt? You are messing with my mental health
23 Kiwi camping with a difference
29 Make caravan fridges work as claimed
34 The perils of a coiled power supply cord
36 Waihopai camp and the Marlborough Wine and Food Festival
38 Stop & stay — with your dog
42 Game: DOC campsites 1: In the north
43 RV & camper business services
52 All Points Camping Club of NZ
Articles in this issue on the freedom camping law changes:

7 Autumn 2024
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